Monday, October 8, 2012

How to get the host IP address to appear in a bash command prompt on OSX

This was done on OSX Mountain Lion.

Simply modify .bashrc to use the PS1= construct:

PS1="[\u@\[\e[0;33m\]MBP @ `ifconfig|grep broadcast|awk ' { print $2 }'` \[\e[0m\]\W]$ "

The key bit is enclosed in `...`.  Note that modifying this for other *nix systems requires fiddling with the search string.  Also note that the complex [\e[0;33m\]... construct controls the prompt color.  There are some great online tutorials about that.  Just Google "bash color prompt".

PS1 line in .bashrc to get IP address in command prompt on OSX.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Copy full path of file in DevonThink Pro Office to clipboard

Relatively often I want easy access to the full path of a file previously imported to DTPO.  This often happens when I need to upload a file to a website.  The "Reveal in Finder" toolbar button is useful, but doesn't give you access to the text of the full path.  I used Automator to create a little application that I saved in the DTPO "Scripts->Toolbar" folder.

Step One:  Download the "Get File Path" Automator action from this page.  Install the action within Automator using the "File->Import Actions..." menu option.

Automator window showing the entire script, and the "import Actions..." button.

Step Two:  Create a new Automator Applications project.  Using the search field at left, search for all actions with "Records" in the title.  Drag the "Get Selected Records" to your new project.  Follow this with "Get Item from Record".  Next add the "Get File Path" that you just downloaded.  I recommend setting the options to extract an escaped POSIX (unix style) path name.  To complete the script, simply drag the "Copy To Clipboard" action to the end of the "code".

Step Three:  Choose save, and save your new tool to:
~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink\ Pro\ 2/Scripts/Toolbar
Once the workflow has been saved like this, you need to restart DTPO.  Then look in the scripts menu available in DTPO, and,  if you have selected a file or folder in DTPO, your new script should be visible under the "Tool-bar.  It should also be available to add to the toolbar itself when you customize the toolbar.

DTPO window with the "Get Path" script on the toolbar (it's the little clipboard that says "Path" under it!).
The output of the script is the full pathname extracted to the Clipboard, entirely ready to be useful!  I gave my version a cute little logo, but this is not required!

Let me know questions or comments below!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Importing an entire web*site* to DevonThink Pro Office

I use the "Clip to Devonthink" Safari extension to grab webpages.  I find that it works great!  But what about entire web sites?  I actually encountered this because I had exported a journal-style file as a website, and wanted to import it as a whole into DTPO.  The web site style maintains beautiful formatting, and very functional link based navigation scheme... as opposed to a linear document format that would be available from a printout of the content to a PDF.

Clip to Devonthink doesn't appear to clip "file://" pages, and even if it did, I wasn't sure how complete the "web archive" option would be.  A bit of googling suggested that the "Import Site" menu option:
DTPO "Import Site..." menu option.
This works!... with one major caveat: if you import a "web site" from a local disk, it looks like DTPO relies on those files not moving... which somewhat diminishes the value of the import.  In contrast, DTPO appears to download and fully import sites actually on the web.  The trick is to specify the top page in the site (generally the index.html page), and make sure to specify the "Subdirectory (Complete)" option by right clicking on the queued website.
DTPO "Import Site..." dialog in the Download Manager.  Enter the site location, then make sure to select the "Subdirectory (Complete)" option.
A couple of additional notes:  If the download just happens before you have a chance to set the option, click the pause button at the bottom of the Download Manager window.  Then get your queue of downloads all set, and click the play button.

The Download Manager will remain open until you close it, and will remain in "run" mode until you pause it... so watch out during multiple sequential site downloads.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Creating Templates in DEVONthink Pro Office

A brief how-to create plain and (particularly) smart templates in DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO).  To read about DTPO as an ELN in a academic research in engineering visit here.

[Step One]  Existing DTPO template files

Template files in DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO) are buried in the inner workings of the program... but only so that the menu giving access to templates can be updated live!
The "New from Template" menu can be updated live, via the "Update Template Menu" option, if new templates are created in default template folder.
Existing templates are located in:
  ~/Library/Application\ Support/DEVONthink\ Pro\ 2/Templates.noindex/

Note the folders in this directory corresponding to the folders on the "New from Template" menu.  Templates created in this directory will also appear in this menu, once you click "Update Template Menu".

There are three kinds of templates:  document prototypes, "plain" templates which create a file with default text and formatting (.dtTemplate files), and "smart" templates which execute commands in DTPO upon creation (.templatescriptd files).
Templates should live in the DTPO "Templates.noindex" folder
One of the best ways to create a new template (.dtTemplate and .templatescriptd files) is to copy and edit existing ones.  Make sure to place your own templates (no matter the type) in the proper folder in the Templates.noindex directory, as that placement determines where your templates appear in the DTPO "New from Template" menu.

[Step Two] Creating new (static) document prototypes 

The heart of all three template types is a a document prototype.  This is just a file of the base file type for the template you are creating.  That is, to create an MS Excel .xlsx template, just create a new Excel spreadsheet and save it (as a .xlsx) into the Template.noindex folder, or whichever sub-folder you want.  When selecting this template in DTPO, a file that is an exact copy of your prototype file will be created with a default filename.

This hints at the flexibility of this file creation method... because you can put whatever you want into your document prototype.  For example, if you want to create RTF journal entries with a fixed header and/or formatting, then simply put that into your prototype, and every document created from that template will have the same formatting/default text.

As an example, download this RTF file and save it to your Templates.noindex file...  Then go on to [Step Three].

For more complex template capabilities, including those that contain dynamic text, don't go directly to [Step Three]... instead, first skip to [Step Two B], below, then go to [Step Three]!

[Step Three] Update your "New from Template" menu

To use your newly created template

The Great Electronic Lab Notebook Challenge, pt. II

DEVONthink Pro Office and MacJournal: A review and comparison

This is the second in a series of posts on searching for an ELN suitable for use in my research group.  This question is related to a series of hardware, workflow and "data management" questions.  These I will address elsewhere.  In this post I discuss my experiences with MacJournal and DEVONthink Pro Office. In The Great ELN Challenge, pt. I, I laid out what I'm looking for in an ELN, and how it fits my ideal group workflow.  Subsequent posts will address my experiences with MacJournal and DEVONthink Pro Office.

Both of the software tools discussed here are for Mac OS X.

MacJournal by Mariner Software
The MacJournal interface

The strength of MacJournal is also it's weakness:  it is journaling software.  This is well highlighted in Macworld's review.  Using an interface similar to  pre-Mountain Lion Mac Mail, MacJournal allows you to write text notes into which you can include images and PDFs.  Notes, or entries, are stored in a folder-based hierarchy.  Sets of notes ("notebooks") are searchable, and there are a range of display options.  These display options all focus on a chronological presentation of entries.  Therefore as a journal or chronological personal notebook, MacJournal is great.  You can even attached scanned input to text entries, e.g. as PDFs or images.  Even so, it is not generally possible to attach, include or work with non-text files (e.g., MS Excel files, binary data files, large ASCII data files).

There does not appear to be any way to lock/encrypt entries to prevent subsequent modification.  This is despite the fact that entries are "lock-able".  The issue is that this functionality is designed only to prevent unintentional modification, and can be turned on and off by the user at will.

There is now Dropbox support, but there is no server capability, and no multi-user database capability.  For personal use as a journal or notebook, MacJournal is great.  As an ELN it lacks critical functionality--chief among these is the ability to collect non-note files.

DEVONthink Pro Office by DEVON Technologies
The DEVONthink Pro Office interface

DTPO is basically an open database, wrapped in a relatively sophisticated, user friendly and extensible interface.  (Macworld review here.)  Files are imported into (external file physically copied into the DTPO database), indexed to (link to original file as extracted text contained in file are added to the DTPO database), or created within DTPO (new file created using either the built-in DTPO previewer or the native application associated with the file type created).

In the interface, you organize your files into a folder structure.  This appears to be similar, if not identical, to simply saving the files to disk. In DTPO, though, the files themselves are stored in a flat database. The database is open and unencrypted, so you can always access your files directly (there is even a button on the DTPO toolbar that opens a Finder window at the location of the file selected in DTPO).

In contrast to your disk-based file structure, the DTPO interface gives you access to a range of capabilities and metadata associated with your files via the underlying database.  For example, like in Gmail, the folders you create in the interface are really just tags, and you can manually tag individual files however you like.  Smart folders can slice and dice tagged files just like in Gmail.  Files can appear in multiple locations in your folder tree (i.e. be tagged by multiple folders), but even more powerfully, can either appear as "duplicates" (a separate copy of a file) or "replicates" (basically a soft link to a file).

Every file included in the database automatically has any contained text extracted and processed via DTPO's "AI", which seeks to improve searching by suggesting potentially related content, and allowing searches to be executed over all text in the database.  This concept is extended by the inclusion of a powerful OCR engine integrated with DTPO itself.

"Indexing" (versus "importing") files allows large files (e.g., files containing research data) to be linked to within the database without having to duplicate the files themselves.  Indexed files can live on remote  or archive disks that are not always mounted to the system running DTPO.  In addition, indexing folders allows "file groups" to be included in DTPO.  This is particularly useful when working with LaTeX documents (where the .tex, .aux, .bib, .dvi, etc., files must appear "together" to the LaTeX engine, not spread across DTPO's internal database), or coding projects (where multiple source files and make files must remain associated on the physical file system).  Note also, that "indexing" allows the metadata (and text) of "archived" files to be available for live searching.

DTPO does not lend itself directly to journaling, although RTF files can, of course, be created at will within DTPO itself.  Basically, while MacJournal provides more chronological organization than may be strictly necessary in an ELN, by default, DTPO provides NO chronological organization beyond date/time stamps on physical files.  While this is a weakness, it serves to highlight an additional (and major) strength of DTPO:  scriptability.

DTPO can be scripted at a number of levels.  You can create Automator scripts that push actions in DTPO, and you can create "smart document" creation scripts that push database actions at the time of file creation.  This last, combined with tagging and searching capabilities, allows the creation of journal capabilities in DTPO.  For example, the date and time can be auto-generated and inserted into a newly created RTF file.  This file can be auto-tagged at creation with, e.g., a "Journal" tag.  The creation of a smart folder in the interface filter for all "Journal" tagged files will then show all journal entries throughout the database.  This would allow, for example, journal entries to live topically-arranged in the file structure in the interface, but also appear chronologically by creation data/time in the Journal smart folder.

The "Pro Office" version--that is, the DT"PO" being discussed here--allows the creation of multiple databases whose search and AI are separate.  It also comes with a built-in web server allowing the database to be accessed via the web remotely.  While this gives definite multi-portal access to the database, it should also, in theory, give rudimentary multi-user capabilities, though I have yet to explore this.  A smattering of scripts are included in the DTPO install version, and an additional smattering are available for download at the DTPO support site.  In a later post, I will share scripts I have created.

In addition to scripting capabilities, there are a number of plug-ins and extensions for DTPO, chief among these are tools to integrate DTPO will all major email clients and web browsers.  This allows direct addition of emails and webpages to DTPO.

On the negative side, there does not appear to be any encryption or locking capability as all files remain modifiable.


Neither MacJournal nor DTPO are ideal for an ELN, primarily because they lack the ability to lock files and input.  DTPO, though, comes quite close.  As a database-centered tool for collecting and collating data in all forms, DTPO significantly outshines MacJournal as a research ELN.

Stay tuned for late posts on my workflow with DTPO, as well as some scripts and smart document templates I use in my research.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Great Electronic Lab Notebook Challenge, pt. I

This is the first in a series of posts on searching for an ELN suitable for use in my group.  This question is related to a series of hardware, workflow and "data management" questions.  These I will address elsewhere.  In this post I lay out what I'm looking for in an ELN, and how it fits my ideal group workflow.  Subsequent posts will address my experiences with MacJournal and DEVONthink Pro Office.

My research is almost entirely computational.  (For details on the research itself, visit the Beck Research Group page.) I have a small group, who are expected to use their laptops as their primary research gateway/tool.  The ideal research workflow for my group members looks something like this:
  1. Students take notes of discussions on laptop (ELN)
  2. Literature search with reference manager (SDB)
  3. Background study and hypothesis development (ELN)
    • Takes notes about (and on?) references (ELN/SDB)
    • Note thoughts, ideas, plans, etc., on laptop (ELN)
  4. Generate "Design of Calculations" preliminary report (SO)
  5. Preliminary calculations on local or production compute resources (DO)
    • Data analysis of preliminary results (ELN)
  6. "Pre-production Calculations" report, including: (SO)
    • Convergence parameters (ELN)
    • Comparison to prior results
    • Estimate of production calculation resource requirements (ELN)
  7. Production calculations on local or external resources (DO)
  8. Data analysis (ELN)
  9. "Draft results" report (SO)
  10. Discussion and further analysis *** (ELN)
  11. Paper preparation (ELN/SO/C)
    • Figure and chart preparation
    • Iterative and collaborative text preparation
  12. Archival of results, reports and paper (A)
For each of these steps, I have indicated a rough idea of the nature of the data/information storage environment required.
  • Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) - Primary and complete legal record of the research. Personally created and recorded by the researcher, but the formal responsibility of the PI.  Must be continuously and constantly available.  Data should be recorded to the researcher's laptop to guarantee offline access, but synched to a central database available for online access from any computer.  I very much prefer an "IMAP" model to a "web-form" model (see below). Data itself  must be backed-up, and should be secure against tampering/re-writing.  The ELN itself should be permanently stored by the PI and the researcher.
  • Shared Database (SDB) - For external content and data that is of use to the whole group.  The obvious example is the PDF library of reference literature. Content is added by individual researchers and can be tagged/notated by individuals, but the collection itself should be group accessible.
  • *Shared Output (SO) - This is content prepared by individual researchers, but that final versions of must be available (read-only) to the group.  Drafts and information needed during preparation reside in the ELN or as DO (see below).
  • *Data Output (DO) - Content generated by calculations on local or external production resources.  Data must be staged physically on production resource, but must migrate to a central, group readable location.  Data should migrate to read-only.
  • Special categories:
    • Collaborative (C) - This is content that should have parallel multi-individual access to allow collaborative/interactive content generation (e.g., paper drafts).
    • Archive (A) - Not a primary end point for data, but both Shared Output and Data Output (indicated with asterisks, above) should eventually be archived.
Based on the above, an ELN must be able to handle the following either in the ELN app itself, or via importing of third-party files.  The ELN must allow users to:
  • Take notes, anytime and anywhere
  • Handle scanned input, e.g. of handwritten notes or diagrams.  The inclusion of a working OCR pathway would be beneficial as well.  from school: including input of scans of handwritten stuff, allow diagramming.
  • Enable both symbolic and numerical Math, spreadsheet capabilities, plotting and graphing, curve fitting
  • Support presentation and text report generation, as well as image and diagram preparation
  • Collect, and allow searching of the generated files, allow links pointing to specific locations of DO and SO objects.
More at the next update....

Friday, September 14, 2012

TeXmaker - Cross-platform GUI for LaTeX

LaTeX generates beautiful final documents, handles references flawlessly, and allows independent specification of formatting and content.  The last two of these are particularly important when generating long documents (think thesis, no?).  Writing in LaTeX, though requires a text editor, preferably with contextual highlighting, and a simple back-end to run the codes needed to render the final text.  Working in a cross-platform group environment, I've used TeXmaker in my group for a while.

  • Runs on PC, Mac, and Linux with the same GUI interface
  • Automated document compiling/building
  • Relatively easy integration with tranditional TeX distributions (TeXLive, MacTeX, MikTex, most Linux distros)
  • BibTex, PDFLaTeX and LaTeX support
  • Built in DVI->PS and DVI->PDF

TeXmaker screen shot - Document map at left, .tex file in the center, and integrated PDF viewer at right.

As indicated above, TeXmaker does require a pre-existing working install of a LaTeX distribution...  Watch out for a post on how to do that in Ubuntu and MacOSX soon!

I also use LaTeXIt on the Mac to generate little image snippets of equations to paste into emails or Word documents (when I'm stuck using them).

LaTeXIt screen shot - The LaTeXIt window is in the middle, and you just drag and drop the image at the top of the LaTeXIt window into whatever document/file you want.